Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our new website launches 6/1!

Through the efforts of the Web Committee, headed by our innovative and extraordinarily talented Web/Digital Services Librarian, Michelle Oleson, Blackwell Library is pleased to present our new website, which will officially launch on June 1st.

The brand new look features easy search boxes for books and articles as well as a live feed of our Blackwell Buzz. The new tab format allows us to provide the same content but in a cleaner, more organized way (and you know how we librarians love to organize!) Be sure to check out the new guides under the Services Tab for Faculty, Students and Community. Read our new "About Us" section featuring a message from Dean Alice Bahr. The Help Tab offers a brand new page about technology in the library, and of course links to all the other wonderful sources of help available to Blackwell Library users.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Michelle Oleson. We'd love to hear what you think!