Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Green Changes at the Library

Salisbury University is committed to providing sustainable services, and the library is too! Check out what all SU is doing here: http://www.salisbury.edu/president/sustainabilityinitiatives/index.html

Have you seen the new printers in the library? Beginning fall semester, you will be able to duplex print jobs. This means you’ll save paper by using both sides. Read up on how to use this service here: http://www.salisbury.edu/president/sustainabilityinitiatives/SU_double_sided_printing.pdf

Ever wanted to use the upstairs lab’s scanner, but a class was in session? A new scanner has been ordered for use on the main floor of the library! Soon you will be able to scan those articles instead of making a paper copy.

As always, recycling receptacles are available throughout the library.

If you see a way the library can improve its sustainability efforts, be sure to let us know on the Suggestion Board by the circulation desk!